Special Plans: The blogs on Douglas Feith and the faulty intelligence that led to war
Special Plans: The blogs on Douglas Feith and the faulty intelligence that led to war
Introductory essay by Allison Hantschel (Athenae of First Draft)
Here’s a story of espionage, think tanks, power brokers, a crazy drunk named Curveball, and Douglas Feith—the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy whose Office of Special Plans oversaw the enormous manipulations and failures of intelligence that led to the U.S. war and occupation in Iraq. “Special Plans offers invaluable insight into a key figure behind the propaganda campaign that swayed Americans to support Bush’s Iraq War. Douglas Feith didn't get much coverage in the mainstream press because he was ‘just’ an undersecretary in the Defense Department. But this collection of blog entries about Feith reveals that he was much, much more than that. This book is a testament to the fact that the new Internet media delivers needed information that the mainstream press no longer covers in detail.” —Mark Karlin, Editor and Publisher BuzzFlash.com